What you need to know about the first year in trucking.

What you need to know about the first year in trucking.

Your first year in trucking sure is an unforgettable experience that will have you learning and improving as the year goes by. This is the most important year in your career and will set the pace and knowledge for years to come. In this article we will discuss some key tips and factors that will make your first year quite a success.

Tap into your support system

At Millis Transfer, our employees are a great network to rely on. Not only is everyone super passionate and humble, but they have a wealth of valuable knowledge that you can always tap into. Feel free to ask questions along your path with fellow drivers and don’t forget the community of drivers on Facebook and Twitter. Post your question or just introduce yourself on these platforms and you will get plenty of support and knowledge that you are looking for. If you have gone through the MTI training look to tap into your connections along the way and keep in contact with them. It’s a great way to compare experiences and see what others are going through that are also first year drivers.

Always ask questions

There are never enough questions to ask. Especially in your first year of trucking. We’re all here to get better at our job and having the advantage to rely on each other to enhance our skills and knowledge is a great way to take on your first year. Utilize access to your dispatchers, accounting, recruiting and operations departments. We’re all here to help and provide expertise in each department to make for an impactful support system.

Settle in and get to know your company

Take a deep breath. It’s your first year and there is a lot to take in as a new truck driver. Get to know your company better and take in as much knowledge as you can. Remember, the first year is a growing period. You’re with a new company using and developing new skills for the first time. Try not to get overwhelmed and take everything in and know that your comforts and skills are improving each day as you develop. The first year is a huge investment on you and will equip your career in the trucking industry. 

Are you looking to start a career in trucking? Maybe it’s time that you made a new career choice and discovered a better way to make a living. See how you can graduate and start a new career in trucking. For more information, please visit www.mtidriving.com or call 1-800-937-0880.